CPH – Developing your Business – Human & Legal Entrepreneurship

Københavns Universitet, Søndre Campus Conference/flex room, ground floor, room 8A-0-57, Njalsgade 76, Copenhagen, Denmark

- or How You Make a Living (or more) Welcome to the second spring workshop in our Entrepreneurship-series. In this one we focus on developing your business and how to create a business model but through understanding it's different elements rather than just filling out a work sheet. You can join with just the first


CPH – AI Applied: How Companies And Governments Can Use AI – by DGP and Alexandra Institute

Porcelænshaven PHRs20, Råvarebygningen, Porcelænshaven 22, Frederiksberg, Denmark

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a technology that has gained extreme popularity for its’ vast potential. At this seminar we will dive into how companies and governments utilize this technology. AI experts, companies, governmental departments and startups will let you in on how they use AI in their practice. Who can attend? The event is for corporations,

dkk50 – dkk100

CPH – CECS lunch seminar with Linda Senden & Raphaelë Xinidis – by Copenhagen University

Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen Conference/flex room, ground floor, room 8A-0-57, Njalsgade 76, Copenhagen, Denmark

The protection of the fundamental right to equality in the age of artificial intelligence: Has anti-discrimination law become unfit? By Linda Senden & Raphaële Xenidis. With the development of artificial intelligence, an increasing number of complex algorithms are filtering through in our daily decision-making processes, influencing our choices and even our preferences and tastes in


CPH – Konference: Digitalisering på det sociale område – by Justitia

Københavns Professionshøjskole Kronprinsesse Sofies Vej 35, Frederiksberg, Denmark

Muligheder og udfordringer ved digitaliseringsklar lovgivning og automatiseret sagsbehandling på det sociale område. Institut for Socialrådgiveruddannelse, Tænketanken Justitia, Tænketanken TeknoEtik og Dansk Socialrådgiverforening afholder en fælles konference om muligheder og udfordringer ved de aktuelle bestræbelser på at gøre lovgivningen digitaliseringsklar og automatisere sagsbehandling på blandt andet det sociale område. Bestræbelser, der på sigt får store


CPH – Developing your Idea – Human & Legal Entrepreneurship

Københavns Universitet, Søndre Campus Conference/flex room, ground floor, room 8A-0-57, Njalsgade 76, Copenhagen, Denmark

- or How To Get Your First Customer Welcome to the first spring workshop in our Entrepreneurship-series. In this one we focus on developing your idea and how to do so with your customers or through selling and qualifying your idea with partners and clients from the start. You can join with just the first


CPH – Dataetik og nye forretningsmodeller – by Djøf

CfL Folke Bernadottes Allé 45, Copenhagen, Denmark

Hvem henvender kurset sig til? Du ønsker at integrere dataetik i forretningsudvikling og i din daglige praksis. Du vil gerne blive bedre til at træffe ansvarlige valg om brugen af persondata og til at integrere en dataetisk praksis i hele værdikæden i din organisation. Du er jurist eller forretningsudvikler med interesse for ansvarlige og bæredygtige


CPH – Govtech: et nyt dansk vækstområde? – by Altinget, Erhvervsministeriet og IT-Branchen

Børsbygningen Slotsholmsgade, Copenhagen, Denmark

Er govtech et nyt dansk vækstområde, som samtidig kan øge innovationen i den offentlige sektor? ’Govtech’ (government technology) er en fællesbetegnelse for virksomheder, der leverer innovative teknologiske ydelser til offentlige myndigheder – fx i form af sporing af karteldannelser eller nye typer software inden for undervisningsområdet. Ny teknologi rummer muligheden for at forbedre og effektivisere

CPH – It-kontrakter og persondata – by Djøf

CfL Folke Bernadottes Allé 45, Copenhagen, Denmark

Når du vil understøtte forretningsmæssige behov optimalt, lovligt og digitalt.

Hvem henvender kurset sig til?
Du er jurist, advokat, indkøber eller It-ansvarlig i en privat virksomhed, organisation eller myndighed. Og du beskæftiger dig med It og persondata.

Kursets indhold
På kursusdagen får du indblik i, hvordan krav om effektivisering, optimering og øget konkurrence forudsætter, at organisationer digitaliserer manuelle processer.


CPH – Fintech Disruption Summit – by FintechDisrupt

SingularityU Nordic Titangade 11, Copenhagen, Denmark

About the Summit The World Economic Forum predicts that 10% of the global GDP (approx. $7.8 trillion) will be stored on the blockchain in less than 10 years. The summit is targeted towards bankers, accountants, lawyers, stock brokers, investment fund managers, custodians, and other people from the financial industry. The purpose of the summit is
