CPH – Få styr på dine kontrakter – by Computerworld

Wihlborgs Konferencecenter Lautrupvang 8, Ballerup, Denmark

I en verden fyldt med kontrakter og aftaler er det afgørende, at du har styr på håndteringen af din organisations kontrakter - både de nye og de eksisterende. Med en effektiv, gennemsigtig og fleksibel kontrakthåndtering kan du reducere dine omkostninger ganske betragteligt. For det kan blive dyrt at overse detaljer - også på den lange


CPH – Talk by Bryan Druzin – by University of Copenhagen

Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen Conference/flex room, ground floor, room 8A-0-57, Njalsgade 76, Copenhagen, Denmark

The New Peril of the Digital Age: The Internet as a Source for Abrupt Normative Change Looking specifically at China, I argue that societies are vulnerable to sudden, short-lived yet large-scale changes in societal values as a result of unexpected normative shifts in online communication. The volume and rapidity of online communication renders it technologically


CPH – Evaluation Seminar for PhD student Léonard Van Rompaey: Legal Disruption by Artificial Intelligence – by University of Copenhagen

Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen Conference/flex room, ground floor, room 8A-0-57, Njalsgade 76, Copenhagen, Denmark

All interested are kindly invited to participate in Léonard's evaluation seminar of his PhD-project, entitled: Legal Disruption by Artificial Intelligence: a Study of the Incompatibilities Between Law and Robots A short, updated description of the project is available here. "My research focuses on artificial intelligence’s legal disruption. Where does law fail to regulate robots? With very little


CPH – Kunstig intelligens (AI) i det offentlige – juridiske cases – by Djøf

CfL Folke Bernadottes Allé 45, Copenhagen, Denmark

Du arbejder med digital forvaltning i dit daglige arbejde som leder, rådgiver, sagsbehandler eller deltager i digitaliseringsprojekter og lignende processer. Du er formentlig jurist i den offentlige sektor, men du kan også være konsulent eller leverandør med et behov for et praktisk juridisk indblik i digitaliseringsprojekter. På kurset får du: kendskab til udfordringer og løsninger

dkk4.200 – dkk4.800

CPH – Copenhagen FinTech Week – by Copenhagen FinTech

Join us in Copenhagen for our great Nordic Fintech conference! This year, Copenhagen FinTech Week welcomes more than 1000 attendees from all continents. We invite you to take part in sharing insights with the 60+ international speakers we gathered from over 15 different countries, to join our keynotes and panels tackling hot Tech topics. Immerse

€75 – €200

CPH – TalkBBQ The Nordic Investment Culture – by inQvation, TechBBQ and Synch

Matrikel1 Højbro Plads 10, Copenhagen, Denmark

It's founder friendly... or is it? Let's talk about it! inQvation, TechBBQ and Synch have joined forces to take a closer look at the term “founder friendly” and what it really means. Therefore, we present TalkBBQ! This event will focus on the investment culture in the Nordic countries: do we have a 'founder friendly' investment


CPH – Google Maps and Visualizations – Deck.gl – by GDG Cloud Copenhagen Meetup

Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen Conference/flex room, ground floor, room 8A-0-57, Njalsgade 76, Copenhagen, Denmark

Nordic Legal Tech wants to connect tech experts and lawyers - that's why we host the GDG Cloud Copenhagen Meetup at Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen: Details Hi friends, maps are important in our everyday life and making maps is a powerful way to show data. This meetup we are going to talk about
