CPH – Legal Tech Panel Session – by Nordic Legal Tech


Join our Legal Tech panel session and get all the relevant connections in the legal industry! Our panel session match startups and legal tech providers with law firms, lawyers, tech experts, and experienced startup mentors. For tech providers, this is a great opportunity to showcase your product or idea and to engage in depth with potential

CPH – Legal Tech Panel Session – by Nordic Legal Tech and OpenText


Effective Investigations in Nordic Civil Law Systems Law firms and the clients they support in countries with Civil Law systems, have yet to take full advantage of the legal technology and modern investigation processes available to them. OpenText will be conducting an interactive fireside chat, hosted by The Nordic Legal Tech Hub, where investigations’ expert


Lokomotivværkstedet Otto Busses Vej 5A, Copenhagen, Denmark

TechBBQ started as a small BBQ gathering for tech enthusiasts and entrepreneurs back in 2013. Over the years, we have transformed into the largest and most ‘hyggelig’ event of its kind in Scandinavia. Every year we welcome more & more people from around the globe. Our annual summit connects tech & hygge - where we talk about

London – Legal Geek Conference

Much has changed since the first Legal Geek event with 30 people eating pizza and drinking beer in the basement of a startup warehouse in San Francisco – yes we are a #cliche! Since then, with you always at the heart of it, Legal Geek has defined and redefined legal tech events, attracting thousands of

Oslo – Legal Tech Meetup # 17: Trenger vi en juridisk sandkasse?

Om Oslo Legal Tech meetup Lexolve (formelt Lawbotics AS) startet Oslo Legal Tech Meetup i 2017 fordi vi ønsket å skape et miljø for den nye bølgen av advokater, gründere og teknologinteresserte som er interessert i å diskutere hvordan teknologi kan bli brukt til å disruptere, innovere og forbedre den tradisjonelle advokatbransjen i Norge. Siden 2021

Legal Tech Firetalk – by Nordic Legal Tech and Proceedy


Is it possible to make standards in the legal business? In this firetalk we will together with Proceedy address the following questions: Is it possible to make standards in the legal business? Why is it difficult to make IT standards in our business? Why is it that different law firms make their own standards on

Oslo – Legal Tech Meetup # 18: Demo & Drinks vol. III

Vi gjentar vårt populære event Demo & Drinks - nå for tredje gang! Vi inviterer vi startups innen legaltech for å komme å pitche selskapet deres fra scenen - enten om dere er på kapitaljakt, kundejakt eller rekrutteringsjakt. Kriteriene er at du må være innen legal tech kategorien & yngre enn 3 år. Fyll ut

Legal Tech Firetalk – by Nordic Legal Tech and Legal-Pythia


Legal-Pythia is an information technology solutions provider. Specializing in artificial intelligence, we organize, categorize and search data for duplication and contradictions for governmental and commercial entities including legal and financial institutions. The topic for this "Firetalk" will be: "Explainable Artificial Intelligence and its Effects on the Legal Industry"  If you would like to join the