CPH – Kvalitetssikring af GDPR – by Djøf

Djøf Gothersgade 133, Copenhagen, Denmark

Kom til et spændende gå hjem-møde med videnudveksling, inspiration og networking med GDPR som omdrejningspunkt. Vi går i dybden med kvaliteten af din GDPR-implementering og drøfter der, hvor det oftest halter: Noget organisationen ikke gør, og noget organisationen gør forkert. Emnerne bliver udvalgt efter størst mulig relevans/værdi for deltagerne, og gå hjem-mødet er praktikerorienteret. Alle,


CPH – Monitoring and take-down of online trademark infringements made simple(r) – By Copenhagen Legal Hackers Meetup

Andreas Juchli (Thomsen Trampedach) will share insights into how brand protection and trademark enforcement processes have been automated through the software program Pliano. He will describe the steps required to detect compliance issues and enforce trademark rights online to give the audience a basic understanding of the main processes usually undertaken by a brand protection

HEL – Regtech Day – by Helsinki Fintech Farm

Dittmar & Indrenius Pohjoisesplanadi 25A, Helsinki, Finland

The financial industry is rapidly changing and getting disrupted. At the same time, the regulatory and compliance burden is increasing getting more complex. How to keep up with the pace of the change, and still manage the risks, and be compliant in an effective way? The answer is technology. RegTech Day explains in one day what

EUR100 – EUR565

CPH – Compliance and Legal 2019 – by Insight Events

Charlottehaven Hjørringgade 12C, Copenhagen

Insight Finance kan igen i 2019 byde velkommen til konferencen Compliance & Legal. Konferencen er det oplagte forum for alle, der beskæftiger sig med compliance, og som ønsker at holde sig ajour med lovgivning, procedurer og praksis på området. Compliance har en stigende essentiel og kompliceret rolle i virksomheden. Omfanget og kompleksiteten af den finansielle regulering


Lund – The Future of Law – by Tech Academy Lund

Lund Lund, Sweden

Tech Academy is a unique two-day program and the first of its kind at Lund University. It is tailored to law students at the Law Faculty at Lund University attending master courses (minimum T5) interested in innovative and emerging technologies such as Artificial intelligence, Blockchain and Smart contracts. You will be introduced to a framework