Lund – The Future of Law – by Tech Academy Lund

Tech Academy is a unique two-day program and the first of its kind at Lund University. It is tailored to law students at the Law Faculty at Lund University attending master courses (minimum T5) interested in innovative and emerging technologies such as Artificial intelligence, Blockchain and Smart contracts.

You will be introduced to a framework and strategies for solving some of the legal issues that arise when new technology is implemented within different industries when put into practical business use.

Tech Academy aims to provide law students with a fresh perspective on how to think differently about the world of tech law and in embracing the challenges that comes with the future of digitalization. If you are a student at the Law Faculty and have finished your fourth semester, you have the opportunity to participate in this program which will be hosted between 9-10 May 2019.

The program is offered by the Law Faculty at Lund University, the Law Students association (Juridiska Föreningen Lund) and Julian Nowag, Director of the European Business Law Master Program.


To apply for this two day event please submit cv and a personal letter. To be eligible, you must have finished at least T5 or attend any of the masters program at the faculty of Law. The personal letter should motivate why you would like to take part in this event (300 words max).

The application is sent to before April 1, 2019. Please note that seminars are mandatory and if you are given a spot to the academy it is expected to attend all events.

CPH – Monitoring and take-down of online trademark infringements made simple(r) – By Copenhagen Legal Hackers Meetup

Andreas Juchli (Thomsen Trampedach) will share insights into how brand protection and trademark enforcement processes have been automated through the software program Pliano.

He will describe the steps required to detect compliance issues and enforce trademark rights online to give the audience a basic understanding of the main processes usually undertaken by a brand protection analyst. He will then zoom into how Pliano is automating several of these processes and discuss the logic thereof.
Afterwards, he introduces current and past legal, technical and commercial struggles that are pending and offers a discussion on this with all of you.

Thomsen Trampedach is a Copenhagen and Zurich-based professional service provider in the realm of domain name management and online brand protection serving international brands worldwide.

Additional talks are very welcome and encouraged.

HEL – Regtech Day – by Helsinki Fintech Farm

The financial industry is rapidly changing and getting disrupted. At the same time, the regulatory and compliance burden is increasing getting more complex. How to keep up with the pace of the change, and still manage the risks, and be compliant in an effective way? The answer is technology.

RegTech Day explains in one day what is regulation technology, how the world around it is developing, and how you and your organization can leverage RegTech to manage your compliance risks better.

RegTech Day is implemented together with leading experts, regulatory authorities, financial institutions, and RegTech companies.


  • What is RegTech and why is it now more important than ever?
  • Where is the financial regulation going on a Finnish and EU level?
  • What are the most current regulatory changes and challenges for financial institutions and fintech companies?
  • Regulation technology strategy and use cases from banks and fintech companies about risk management, fraud prevention, AML, ALM, digital identity, KYC and many more…
  • Introduction to RegTech startups that were born to tackle the most topical issues

CPH – Compliance and Legal 2019 – by Insight Events

Insight Finance kan igen i 2019 byde velkommen til konferencen Compliance & Legal.

Konferencen er det oplagte forum for alle, der beskæftiger sig med compliance, og som ønsker at holde sig ajour med lovgivning, procedurer og praksis på området.

Compliance har en stigende essentiel og kompliceret rolle i virksomheden. Omfanget og kompleksiteten af den finansielle regulering er stærkt stigende. Samtidig med, at Compliance skal sørge for, at virksomheden lever op til et enormt antal af regler og direktiver, opererer afdelingen under konstant årvågenhed både politisk og mediemæssigt.

Compliance skal kontinuerligt holde sig opdateret om lovgivning og best practice, så de kan fungere som virksomhedens værn mod manglende regelefterlevelse. Samtidig har Compliance ofte udfordringer internt, hvor de til tider betragtes som unødige regelryttere. I stedet for opbakning møder Compliance derfor ofte modstand internt og kan have svært ved at få gennemført de nye essentielle processer og aktiviteter. Hvordan projekterer Compliance sig internt som vigtig rådgiver og essentiel for forretningen?

På konferencen Compliance & Legal 2019 får du indsigt i og opdatering på den nyeste lovgivning og direktiver. Hvordan skal de fortolkes, og hvordan skal det implementeres? Derudover ser vi på den rolle og de udfordringer, som Compliance har i virksomheden.

Konferencen byder på en række spændende emner og problemstillinger, herunder bl.a. følgende:

  • Finanstilsynet siden sidst, herunder Ledelsesbekendtgørelsen og EBA Internal Governance
  • Compliance i forhold til hvidvask
  • IDD: Learnings fra forsikringsdisbributionen
  • Compliance og IT-sikkerhed
  • Skyggearbejde for Compliance
  • Compliance – fra modspiller til medspiller
  • Compliance’s rolle, opgave og ansvar i forhold til cybersecurity

Jeg glæder mig til at byde dig og dine kollegaer velkommen på Compliance & Legal 2019.

For mere information om program og deltagelse, kontakt: Er du interesseret i at blive partner på konferencen, kontakt:
Nina Meyer
Senior Project Manager
Insight Events
Telefon: +45 30553092
Thomas Klindt
Senior Sales Manager
Insight Events
Telefon: +45 41951431

CPH – Kvalitetssikring af GDPR – by Djøf

Kom til et spændende gå hjem-møde med videnudveksling, inspiration og networking med GDPR som omdrejningspunkt. Vi går i dybden med kvaliteten af din GDPR-implementering og drøfter der, hvor det oftest halter: Noget organisationen ikke gør, og noget organisationen gør forkert. Emnerne bliver udvalgt efter størst mulig relevans/værdi for deltagerne, og gå hjem-mødet er praktikerorienteret. Alle, der arbejder med eller har interesse for GDPR, kan deltage.