MALMÖ – Mind the Gaps

Digital tech should be developed in more responsible ways: more trust, less trickery; more happiness, less addiction. There is a gap, however, between this theoretical consensus and putting it in practice. We want to close this gap.


We believe in patterns & practices over products. We believe in implementable ideas that drive change over theory. You’ll, therefore, come out equipped with:

  1. rigorous frameworks for building responsible tech
  2. ways to pitch ethical approaches to your clients, bosses, and colleagues
  3. the ability to identify users’ values and build environments that support them

The first tools for digital ethics have emerged. At Mind the Gaps, you get to learn these tools. We will also discuss the solutions, how you experience them, and create a forum to help shape their evolution. Come join the exchange!

Each keynote will be focused on making ethical approach to design and product development applicable. There will be plenty of space for panels and discussions, too.

Find the full program at

CPH – Bioethics of clinical innovation and unproven methods – by Nordic Committee on Bioethics and University of Copenhagen

Conference organised by the Nordic Committee on Bioethics in collaboration with Centre for Legal Studies in Welfare and Market at the University of Copenhagen, 9 April 2019.

How are clinical innovations and unproven methods developed and introduced in western Nordic health-care systems? What is the legal and regulatory environment concerning unproven methods in medicine? What ethical principles should guide work on emerging treatments and experimentation in hospitals? In the upcoming NCBio-conference, these three questions will each be addressed in separate sessions.

Clinical innovation involves development of new techniques, methods, treatments and diagnostics for detecting, alleviating and curing diseases. By nature novel clinical methods and treatments are unproven when first developed. Through the centuries, medicine has advanced by trials and errors of physicians and researchers experimenting with treatments and methods. The failure of certain methods are inseparable from success of others, because a priori it is hard to know what works and what not. The scientific method is the preferred approach to develop cures and treatments, but many current medical practices were not developed by strict scientific testing or trials. Healthcare professionals may try unproven methods, for instance as a last resort in attempt to safe a life. Such unproven methods for clinics and health care, occur at the intersect of basic research and standard health-care and raise number of bioethical issues. Those include the following issues: Do patients have sufficient and equal access to the experimental methods? Are patients protected from harm when unproven methods are tested? Who should make decisions about when to experiment with a treatment? How can society and the health care system best simultaneously promote clinical innovation and protect patients?

The conference is open to all interested, including medical doctors, health committees in parliaments, senior civil servants and hospital administrators.


Bioethics of clinical innovation and unproven methods


For participation in the seminar please use this registration form no later than 2 April 2019 , 12:00.