This Firetalk is led by Draftme – A game-changing software for contract life cycle management that equips users with advanced AI tools to simplify document drafting and streamline the negotiation process.
The topic for this Firetalk
How to choose a vendor
How to secure executive buy-in
How to calculate the return on investment (ROI)
Would you like to know more about the Firetalk or would like to join the meeting? Write an email to
FLW UK is a unique event that focuses on innovative advancements in the legal industry whilst uniting all those from the in-house, private practice and litigation sectors and is designed to facilitate dialogue between these different areas of law.
Along with 3 days of networking opportunities, workshops, presentations and a hackathon that are delivered by leading legal innovators, FLW UK is the place to be for all things legal technology!
It is time again to celebrate the Nordic Spirit of Partnership, Collaboration and Growth!
Don’t miss out on this 30-hour insightful and communal journey. Our tracks based on the building blocks of the world’s most efficient region together with powerful face-to-face networking opportunities ensure the most valuable event experience around the next chapter in banking and finance.
Join Nordic Fintech Summit – this spring’s biggest fintech and finance live event in the Nordics on May 11th for latest insights and knowledge in just one day.
Growth Geek is a new conference for high-street and mid-market law firms interested in legal innovation. You’ll see all the latest tech, learn how to manage change, and stay in the loop with the latest updates from professional bodies.
We will give you the tools and inspiration necessary to drive legal innovation in your practice. Experience short, TED-style talks, ask-the-expert sessions, product pitches and interactive roundtables.
In 2020, the Nordic countries joined forces in creating Nordic Legal Tech Day. With four separate events in four cities (Stockholm, Helsinki, Copenhagen and Oslo), but one common strategy and groundwork, the next Nordic Legal Tech Day(s) will be bigger and better than ever.
Nordic Legal Tech Day in Copenhagen is a forum for corporate legal teams, legal service providers and legal tech companies to meet and share experiences and get updated on the development of legal tech, tools and practices – thus the new ways of working in the legal profession. The interactive agenda is featuring experienced international and Nordic speakers – case presentations on practical experiences & tech presentations on tools.
ClauseBase is run by three former lawyers and in-house legal counsels with years of experience in drafting legal documents. In their previous lives, they were repeatedly confronted with the expensive, repetitive, and time-consuming nature of drafting contracts and they were not happy with existing solutions. In 2018, they launched ClauseBase, a paradigm shift in contract drafting to make life better for anyone drafting legal documents (not just lawyers). In the meantime, they have also launched ClauseBuddy, a Word plugin that makes it easy to share knowledge between drafters of legal documents.
The topic of the Firetalk
“How can law firms stand out from the others in the rapidly commoditizing legal world”?
If you would like to join the “Firetalk”, signup by writing an email to
Vi gjentar vårt populære event Demo & Drinks – nå for tredje gang!
Vi inviterer vi startups innen legaltech for å komme å pitche selskapet deres fra scenen – enten om dere er på kapitaljakt, kundejakt eller rekrutteringsjakt. Kriteriene er at du må være innen legal tech kategorien & yngre enn 3 år.
Fyll ut søknadsskjema om du ønsker å delta! (Skjema kommer)
Om Oslo Legal Tech meetup
Lexolve (formelt Lawbotics AS) startet Oslo Legal Tech Meetup i 2017 fordi vi ønsket å skape et miljø for den nye bølgen av advokater, gründere og teknologinteresserte som er interessert i å diskutere hvordan teknologi kan bli brukt til å disruptere, innovere og forbedre den tradisjonelle advokatbransjen i Norge. Siden 2021 har Oslo Legal Tech Meetup blitt arrangert i samarbeid med Legal Innovation Lab Oslo på juridisk fakultet.
I dag er dette meetupet en sentral del av det norske økosystemet for legal tech. Vi arrangerer 4-5 meetups i året, som regel på MESH.
Much has changed since the first Legal Geek event with 30 people eating pizza and drinking beer in the basement of a startup warehouse in San Francisco – yes we are a #cliche! Since then, with you always at the heart of it, Legal Geek has defined and redefined legal tech events, attracting thousands of law-gends from around the world.
We have defined a simple ethos for our events:
- Come to make friends, not to sell
Dress comfortably (please, please, no ties)
Come to learn and to teach.
Look after your fellow law-gends, you may need their help someday.
This is your community, please pitch in and help. You will be rewarded.
TechBBQ started as a small BBQ gathering for tech enthusiasts and entrepreneurs back in 2013. Over the years, we have transformed into the largest and most ‘hyggelig’ event of its kind in Scandinavia. Every year we welcome more & more people from around the globe.
Our annual summit connects tech & hygge – where we talk about the latest trends, network in a cozy atmosphere, listen to trendsetting & inspiring speakers and enjoy some good old-fashioned BBQ. This year, on September 14-15, we are hosting our 10th event!