STHLM – SynchWakeUp: Do’s and don’ts for digital service providers and online traders – by Synch

SynchWakeup is a series of breakfast events focused on providing hands-on knowledge on legal topics of particular importance for early-stage tech companies.

Get on top of the mandatory rules for e-commerce and digital services B2C!

On May 28, 2019, this semester’s sixth’s breakfast seminar in the SynchWakeup Series will take place at Synch’s offices. In this SynchWakeup, Synch’s lawyer, Hampus Stålholm, will provide valuable “do’s and don’ts” when it comes to T&Cs and privacy policies. We will look at mandatory rules applicable to online trade B2C – and short-list the must-haves in your terms of service.

After the seminar Synch’s lawyers will be available for discussion!

Breakfast is served from 8:15, the seminar starts at 8.30 and is scheduled for 1 hour.


CPH – Legal Tech: Data Protection, AI and compliance by technical means – by GOTO Nights

GOTO Nights welcomes you to a meetup of Legal tech. We look forward to seeing you.

– 17:00 Doors open
– 17:20 Welcome by GOTO CPH
– 17:30 Talk 1 – GDPR, big data and AI + Privacy Policy Check AI tool, by Daniel Kiil
– 18:30 Food and Drinks
– 19:00 Talk 2 – Uniprocess, Developing applications that comply with the GDPR by technical means, by Ramón Soto Mathiesen
– 20:00 Networking
– 20:30 Thanks for today


ABSTRACT: GDPR, big data and AI + Privacy Policy Check AI tool

When working with personal data, the GDPR sets the bar. Its requirements for a risk-based approach, privacy by design and the need for a legal basis for processing limits the scope for use of big data and AI. Further, its general principles about fairness, transparency, purpose limitation and data minimization narrow it even more, so does its stance towards profiling. So, what can you really do if you want to be compliant?

In his presentation, Daniel will highlight the most relevant GDPR provisions which may impact your next AI and/or big data project. He will also showcase Synch’s internally developed AI tool, the Privacy Policy Check.


As an attorney, Daniel has mainly worked with IT, data protection and corporate/commercial law. After obtaining his law degree in 2009, he’s worked both as a practicing lawyer and an in-house counsel, inter alia for a large American IT company. He spends the most of his working hours dealing with IT contracts and privacy related issues.



ABSTRACT: Uniprocess, Developing applications that comply with the GDPR by technical means

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) landed the 25th of May last year (2018). As a result of this, many companies have emerged providing services to help us comply with the GDPR.

What is obvious is that very few, if any, provide tools that will help us develop applications that comply with the regulation from a technical point of view. Law firms provide legal services, at a relatively high price as usual, while other consultancies, provide a lot of paperwork and words that, probably, will be “Gone with the Wind”.

This is the reason why the concept of “uniprocess” was researched. An “uniprocess” encapsulates a process, seen from a commercial point of view, where it is known at all times what data enter and leave the process. Being developed in “Haskell”, a functional programming language that has a clear separation between code that makes effects and the one that doesn’t, it is very easy to ensure these claims by using “granulation” and “restriction” of side-effects. Therefore, it is obvious to see that the development itself has to meet with the design of the process.

The concept is closely linked to stateless “microservices”, since the binaries are distributed with minimalistic “Docker” containers.

Finally, to facilitate the work of the Data Protection Agencies (DPAs) of the European Union, both “Haskell” binaries as well as “Docker” images/containers, will have a “Reproducible Build Hash” (RBH). With this RBH, you can mathematically show, that the software, which is currently executed, comes from the source code.


Ramón Soto Mathiesen, is a passionate computer scientist, with talent for business, who advocates for: correctness, code quality and high standards, but always with the customer in focus.

He currently works at SPISE MISU ApS, a company founded by him, which is dedicated mainly to solve the problems arising from the application of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) with a scientific approach (Computer Science and Mathematics).

CPH – IT-Kontrakter 2019 – by Insight Events

Når vi i 2019 kan byde velkommen til den årlige konference IT-kontrakter, vil det være for 20. gang.

Det seneste år har budt på en undersøgelse, der viser, at op mod 25% af kunder/leverandører har haft en juridisk konflikt det seneste år. Det alene vidner om vigtigheden af alle detaljer i kontrakten. På konferencen vises eksempler på typiske konfliktområder og mulighederne for at undgå at havne i en ressourcekrævende og uproduktiv konfliktsituation.

Konferencen stiller i år skarpt på blandt andet følgende emner:

  • Persondataret og ansvar for behandling af personoplysninger
  • K-kontrakterne og behovet for opdatering af disse
  • K04 – baggrund og formål samt leverandørernes syn på dette
  • Ansvarsplacering ved forsinkelse i IT-projekter
  • Cybertrusler – og betydningen for IT-kontrakter
  • “Idriftsættelse” af IT-kontrakter efter udbudsproces eller forhandlingsforløb

Som det har været tilfældet de tidligere år, er formålet stadig at udfordre og informere den professionelle bruger af IT-kontrakter om nyheder, viden og praktik på området samt i særdeleshed at skabe koblingen mellem aktuelle emner og problemstillinger.

Vi tilstræber et interaktivt forum, som giver deltagerne mulighed for at bidrage til diskussionen samt høste erfaringer og meninger fra udvalgte eksperter. Vi vil derfor alliere os med yderst kompetente folk fra branchen til at præsentere de efterspurgte juridiske indlæg.

Mindst lige så vigtigt er at pointere, at deltagerlisten i vid udstrækning matcher rækken af talere. År efter år har vi haft fornøjelsen af at byde deltagere fra de største danske virksomheder og offentlige institutioner velkommen.

Jeg glæder mig til at byde dig og dine kollegaer velkommen på IT-kontrakter 2019.

Henrik Ulander
Managing Director
Insight Events