”Is the Legal Industry Approaching it’s Kodak Moment?”
The timely title is especially appropriate for those of us who grew up with cameras that used film. The Kodak Moment in question is not the perfect snapshot that Kodak once made possible, but rather the company’s failure to see the potential of a technology they had invented. That failure put them out of business. (read more here)
The eighth Oslo Legal Tech Meetup was arranged by Lexolve by Lawbotics together with Quesnay. Superbly moderated by Ingunn Solheim, the debate featured good insight and analysis from a panel consisting of Anne Dingstad Vabø, Cathrine Moestue, Thomas Reppe Wetting, and Karl-Axel Bauer, with an introduction from Marius Koestler on what the Kodak Moment actually was and why it is relevant.
Around 150 participants were at Gyldendal House and more joined the live stream. The answer to the debate’s question: about half of the audience answered yes, we will see big changes in the next five years.
The whole debate can be seen here.
Thank you Gyldendal Norsk Forlag (Ed: one of the largest Norwegian publishing houses ) and JUS – Juristenes Utdanningssenter (Center for Continuing Legal Education )- for sponsoring the event!
Photo credit: Quesnay